
One Grower Publishing
Sales Contacts, Advertising Specifications and General Policies

Scott Emerson, Associate Publisher/Sales
Office: 386-462 1532, Mobile: 352-316 0897

Lia Guthrie, Publisher/Vice President
Office / Mobile: 901-497-3689


Process: Saddle-stitched standard
 size magazine, printed web offset
 on coated enamel paper stock. 
Color ads are produced CMYK 
(4/Color) unless a matched PMS 
color is specified.

Trimmed page size: 7 7/8″ x 10 3/4″
Width of type page: 7″ (42 picas)
Depth of type page: 10″ (60 picas)
Bleed page size: 8 1/8″ x 11″
Bleed spread size: 16 ” x 11″
Bleed requirements: full pages and spreads only, keep live matter at least 1/4″ (3 picas) inside of bleed dimensions for trimming safety.

Furnished ad materials held for only 12 months, unless otherwise specified.

Materials accepted: Send digital ads via email to David Boyd at Submit ads in a PDF-x1a format created with Adobe Acrobat/Distiller, or Native application file such as Quark, Illustrator, etc. in either Mac or PC formats. Include all high-resolution CMYK images or Grayscale @ 300 dpi resolution. No RGB or JPEG images permitted. Embed all fonts. DO NOT subset or allow substitution of fonts when converting PDF file. No True Type or fonts other than genuine Adobe type fonts. No crop marks, color bars, register marks, etc. inside the bleed area of any file.

Inserts: Contact One Grower Publishing at 901-626-1730 for specifications for furnished advertising inserts. Preferred paper weight for inserts is 80# text. Please contact One Grower Publishing for shipping instructions for preprinted inserts.

Ad dimensions are measured in pixels. Accepted files include jpg., gif., png. All materials are due two weeks prior to scheduled deployment.

Wallpaper: 1600 x 1600
Half Page: 300 x 600
Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250
Leaderboard: 728 x 90
Horizontal Banner: 660 x 80

Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250
Leaderboard: 728 x 90
Banner and Logo-Text, 120 x 90 (Text 235 characters)
Horizontal Banner: 468 x 60

Insertion orders should be emailed to Scott Emerson,, and to David Boyd, Ad materials should be emailed to

Advertising agencies receive 15% commission on gross billing for space, color and position. Advertiser is responsible and liable for payment of advertising placed by their agency.

Advertisers will be short-rated if frequency commitment is not met within a 12-month period from first insertion.

Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement, which is not within the publication’s standards. Advertising which resembles editorial content will be labeled “advertisement”.

Advertiser and agency assume liability for all content of printed advertisements, and assume responsibility for any claims made against the publisher arising from those advertisements. Advertiser and agency agree to fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless the publisher in the event of legal action arising from such advertisements.