The in-person one-day Rice Pest Management Course course will be held Sept. 10 at the Hamilton Road Field near Biggs, California. It’s located on West Hamilton Road between Highway 99 and Riceton Highway. It is hosted by the University of California, Davis, UC Cooperative Extension and the California Rice Experiment Station.
This year will mark the fourth rice-specific pest management course at the Hamilton Road Field and the Rice Experiment Station in Biggs, California.
The day will begin with an interactive field tour of the herbicide research plots (Hamilton Road Field) where attendees can get up close to the weeds and rice (bring your boots!)
The morning continues with a hands-on weed identification session on emerging and mature weeds, a disease identification session and a weed ID quiz.
Following a light lunch, speakers will address several pertinent topics in California rice, including arthropods and diseases, a regulatory update, weedy rice, new herbicides and how to construct a weed management program.
PCA and CCA credits will be available.
Registration information
Registration fee includes handout material, light refreshments and light lunch. Class size is limited, so early enrollment is suggested.
Enrollment is limited, so register early. The cost is $80 if received by Sept. 7 and $100 if received after that date (if there is space.) The cost for current students with proof of student status is $40/$50.
Online registration closes on Sept. 7. If there is space, you can register onsite the day of the event. For more details or to register, visit Rice Pest Management Course.
If you have questions, contact Whitney Brim-DeForest at wbrimdeforest@ucanr.edu or 530-822-7515.