The University of California Cooperative Extension plans to hold its annual winter rice meetings as a virtual event Feb. 11 from 9 a.m.-noon PST.
Continuing education credits are pending from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and Certified Crop Advisors (CCA).
The cost is $10, and you must preregister to receive a Zoom link.
Here is the agenda:
9:00-9:10 Introduction
9:10-9:20 Rice Research Board Nominations, Dana Dicky, Rice Research Board
9:20-9:40 Ag Commissioner Update – Scott Bowden, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner, Sutter County
9:40-9:55 Weed Management Update, Kassim Al-Khatib, UC Davis
9:55-10:05 Break
10:05-10:20 Disease Management Update, Luis Espino, UCCE
10:20-10:35 Arthropod Management Update, Ian Grettenberger, UC Davis
10:35-10:50 Ricelands Salmon Project and Bird Programs Update, Paul Buttner, California Rice Commission
10:50-11:00 Break
11:00-11:15 Emerging Weed Issues, Whitney Brim-Deforest and Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UCCE
11:15-11:30 Fertility Update, Bruce Linquist, UC Davis
11:30-11:45 Roxy Rice, Kent McKenzie, Roxy Rice Production System Consultant
11:45-Noon 2020 Summary and Variety Update, Bruce Linquist, UC Davis