2024 Rice Awards Nomination Form

Deadline Extended: August 1, 2024

There are TWO ways to nominate:

Either download/print/scan and email or mail nomination

OR fill out the online form below.

The Rice Farmer of the Year, Rice Industry Award and Rice Lifetime Achievement Award recognize those rice leaders who have demonstrated dedication, determination, innovation and leadership to the industry. We need your help to identify candidates who are worthy of these prestigious awards.

Please take the time to consider which industry members in your area should be recipients of these honors and mail or scan/email this form and supporting materials.

It is helpful if other individuals in the rice industry who are familiar with the nominee’s accomplishments send letters of recommendation. A panel of judges from across the Rice Belt will select the recipients of the 2024 Rice Awards.

Click here to see a list of previous winners.


► Rice Farmer of the Year Award
• Must farm at least 200 acres.
• A farmer who has successfully achieved goals in his/her farming operation, rice industry association, community leadership/development, innovative production practices and/or environmental stewardship.

► Rice Industry Award
• Has been in the rice industry for more than five years.
• A researcher, Extension person, government/association leader, etc., who has demonstrated commitment to the rice industry through innovative practices, industry association, community leadership/development.

► Rice Lifetime Achievement Award
• Has been in the rice industry for more than 10 years.
• An industry leader who has provided great contributions to the rice industry through industry associations, community leadership/development, innovative practices/projects that have advanced the industry.

The award recipients will be honored at the USA Rice Outlook Conference, Dec. 18 in Little Rock, Arkansas, where an official presentation will be made at the awards luncheon. They also will be featured in a special salute sponsored by Horizon Ag, USA Rice and Rice Farming magazine in the December 2024 issue. 


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2024 Rice Awards Online Nomination Form

Deadline Extended: August 1, 2024

In addition to filling out the fields below, you will have the opportunity to provide further information. You may type it below, and/or you may upload files. File uploads must not exceed 10 MB each and may not total more than 20 MB total. Uploading/attaching files will increase the amount of time it takes to submit the form when you hit the submit button. Please do not leave this page until the form submits.

We recommend you have the supporting documents ready to upload before filling out the nomination form below. Or you may submit the support documents via U.S. mail or scan/email to Carroll Smith. For questions, contact her at 901-326-4443 or csmith@onegrower.com.

U.S. mail: Carroll Smith, 7201 Eastern Ave., Germantown, TN 38138

Scan/email: csmith@onegrower.com