UCCE launches 2021 rice yield contest with JD Gator as top prize

bruce linquist seth fiack
UCCE rice specialist Bruce Linquist (left) presents rice producer Seth Fiack with the coveted Yield Contest winner’s hat during a 2018 grower meeting.

The University of California Cooperative Extension will once again be holding its UCCE Rice
Yield Contest this season.

Information will soon be on the UCCE rice website (http://rice.ucanr.edu/), but the rules are similar to previous years.

You must preregister online or in person at the Aug. 25 Rice Field Day at the Rice Experiment Station in Biggs.

As in the past, the state is divided into three production areas to take into account different growing environments.

The regions are:

• Region 1: West of Sacramento River and north of Highway 20

• Region 2: East of Sacramento River and north of Highway 20

• Region 3: South of Highway 20

The names of the top yielder from each area will be put in a hat, and the recipient of a John Deere Gator will be drawn during the 2022 winter rice meetings. Each top yielder also will receive the coveted yield contest winner’s cap to wear proudly.

John Deere Gator
Here is the John Deere Gator that awaits the winner.

Here is a brief synopsis of the rules:

1. You need to enter by Aug 25. This is the day of the Rice Field Day. We will have a place to sign up there if you have not already done so.

2. You are competing with growers in your general region of the Sacramento Valley.

3. We have made some changes to the contest rules so that participation is as minimally disruptive to your harvest operations as possible.

4. You must harvest a minimum of 3 continuous acres of rice (most growers harvest more in order to fill a set of doubles). The grain will be put in an empty trailer and taken to a drier for weight and moisture content. The exact area will be measured and yields determined based on weight and grain moisture.

5. We will be present for the entire operation (harvest to drier).

Complete rules can be viewed at: http://rice.ucanr.edu/Rice_Yield_Contest/.

The John Deere Gator is made possible through the generosity of sponsors: FMC, Gowan, Nichino, UPL, Valent, Valley Truck and Tractor, and Wilbur-Ellis.

Read more about the 2020 top yielders

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