California Rice Field Day goes virtual Aug. 26

CA rice field day
Photo courtesy California Rice Commission

Some folks may miss riding around in the panel trucks listening to different presentations during the annual Rice Field Day at the California Rice Experiment Station near Biggs.

But for many others who prefer not being in the hot sun much of the morning, they’ll be able to enjoy the field day’s virtual format in the comfort of their office or shop.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, field day organizers opted for a digital format rather than the historic in-person event.

The field day will still be held on the last Wednesday in August as it traditionally has been. It is scheduled from 1-3 p.m., Aug. 26, so you can get your work done during the cooler morning weather before logging onto the virtual presentations.

Continuing Education Units: Applied for 1 CEU from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and applied for 1 CEU from Certified Crop Adviser (CCA).

Here is the agenda:

1 p.m. Welcome and Introductions

1:05 CCRRF – New Grower Owned Varieties and Traits
Russell Rasmussen, Associate Director, California Rice Experiment Station, California Cooperative Rice Research Foundation

1:20 Fertility and Planting Date Trials
Bruce Linquist, CE Specialist, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis

1:35 New Herbicide for Weed Control in California Rice
Kassim Al-Khatib, CE Specialist, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis

1:50 Weedy Rice Trial and Herbicide Failures in the Field
Whitney Brim-DeForest, CE Rice and Wild Rice Advisor & County Director, Sutter and Yuba counties

2:05 Tadpole Shrimp and Armyworm Trials
Luis Espino, CE Rice Farming Systems Advisor & County Director, Butte County

2:20 Armyworm Trapping, Rice Water Weevil Trials, and Tadpole Shrimp Insecticides
Ian Grettenberger, CE Assistant Specialist, Department of Entomology, UC Davis

2:35 Delta Rice Update
Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, CE Farm Advisor, San Joaquin County

2:50 Q&A Session
Moderated by Whitney Brim-DeForest, CE Rice and Wild Rice Advisor & County Director, Sutter and Yuba Counties

3 p.m. Adjourn

The cost is $20.


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