Got weedy rice? There’s an app for that, thanks to the University of California’s Cooperative Extension.
Rice producers and pest control advisers in California who suspect they may be seeing weedy rice in a field can report it using a new smartphone app.
The Weedy Rice Reporter, as the app is called, lets you send UCCE farm advisers up to six pictures and a GPS location with your phone. They can then confirm or rule out weedy rice.
The farm advisers will be the only ones able to access the app submissions. They hope the app will help identify infestations early so management actions can be implemented to eliminate weedy rice from fields.
UC farm advisers so far have identified at least 10,000 acres infested with weedy rice in the state.
The app is free and can be downloaded for iPhones and Android phones. Download the iPhone app by clicking here; the Google Store app by clicking here.
For more information on weedy rice in California, including identification tips and photos, visit the UC Weedy Rice website. Download a weedy rice identification brochure by clicking here.