The Louisiana Farm Bureau and the Louisiana State University AgCenter are working together to study the impacts that COVID-19 is having on the Louisiana crawfish industry.
This survey is being used to collect needed information to quantify the impact of COVID-19 with factual data. It is extremely important that we get timely participation of this survey to strengthen the efforts in petitioning the U.S. Department of Agriculture for industry assistance.
If you do not have sufficient records of your crawfish production and price received to accurately complete the entire survey, please still consider filling out and returning the questions that pertain to you.
Producers are asked to complete and return the survey as soon as possible but no later than April 10.
The following are some options for completing the survey:
To fill out on a computer:
1.) click here to open the survey pdf.
2.) click in the provided fillable blanks.
3.) complete and save the document.
4.) attach to an email and return to
To fill out on your phone:
1.) click here to open the survey pdf.
2.) click in the fillable boxes and answer questions.
3.) in the bottom left hand corner of an iPhone, there will be a square with an arrow coming out of the top, click this icon.
4.) select MAIL (envelope icon).
5.) address the email to and send.
You may also
1.) print the pdf document and either:
2a.) scan it back in, save and send to or
2b.) fill out by hand and text pictures to 225-281-5948.
If none of these options work, call Kurt Guidry to give your results over the phone at 225-281-5948.
Again, please send in your completed survey as soon as possible but no later than Friday, April 10.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Kurt Guidry (225-281-5948) or Michael Deliberto (985-320-8214).
With your participation, you will be joining the efforts of many producer/leaders of the crawfish industry, Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Mike Strain, LFBF Executive Committee leadership and Louisiana’s congressional delegation.
Please don’t let a lack of data be the reason that we can’t help our crawfish farmers and crawfish industry.