Thursday, February 13, 2025

Adama discusses robust rice products pipeline

• By Vicky Boyd,
Editor •

adama logoAdama has rolled out two off-patent herbicides for rice this season and has two more planned for introduction next year, providing they receive registration.

This season, the company introduced Vopak 3ME, a micro-encapsulated formulation of clomazone, and Zurax L, a liquid formulation of quinclorac.

The products join Preface and Postscript, which are paired with RiceTec’s FullPage hybrids bred to tolerate over-the-top applications of imidazolinone herbicides.

“We’re bringing them onto the market to provide a better value for growers who have the FullPage system and use Preface and Postscript,” he said.

Formulations for Vopak and Zurax are pretty straight forward, Feist said. If growers are used to using other brands, they will find the Adama versions very similar.

Two propanils in the pipeline

The company anticipates registration of two different formulations of propanil later this year. Diverge will be an EC formulation, whereas Diverge Silk will be an SC formulation designed for the California market.

Feist said it made sense for Adama to bring propanil products to the U.S. rice market because the company has a plant in Colombia that manufactures the herbicide for global use. The propanil products will be formulated in Georgia.

“We were already making propanil for South America, and it made perfect sense to bring it to the U.S.,” he said. “It gives growers more options.”

In trials in the Mid-South, Diverge has performed well, Feist said. Diverge Silk is also progressing according to plan, but it has been a challenge.

“It’s a very, very difficult formulation to make stable,” Feist said of the SC.

Growers who have used SC formulations in the past may have battled clogged screens, which can be a challenge when they needed to spray fields.

Using new technology, Adama has spent the past few years developing an SC product designed to not clog screens or nozzles and be shelf stable for two years, he said. Diverge Silk currently is in small-scale field trials in Northern California rice. Diverge Silk and Diverge EC are both awaiting EPA registration and are not currently available for sale.

Max-Ace rice cropping system

Also anticipated for launch in 2021, providing the necessary approvals are received, is HighCard herbicide. It will be paired with RiceTec’s Max-Ace hybrids bred to tolerate over-the-top applications of the ACCase herbicide.

Containing the active ingredient, quizalofop, HighCard herbicide is formulated with a patented safener for improved crop safety. Feist said it is awaiting EPA registration and is not currently available for sale.

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