The Environmental Protection Agency has registered Loyant with Rinskor active herbicide from Dow AgroSciences for use on rice. Registrations for Mid-South states are pending. Registration in California is still a few years out.
Loyant controls a broad array of grasses, broadleaves and sedges.
Among those are barnyardgrass, junglerice, yellow and rice flatsedges, alligatorweed, purple ammannia, eclipta, ducksalad, hemp sesbania, broadleaf signal grass, jointvetch species, horseweed, amaranth species and ragweed. It provides suppression of sprangletop.
The herbicide also controls many of the weeds resistant to ALS, propanil, quinclorac, fenoxaprop and cyhalofop herbicides.
A few of the weeds on which product is weak are Texasweed, fall panicum and many of the morningglory family, although it does control pitted morningglory.
Loyant has a broad application window from two-leaf rice up to booting, Hunter Perry, Dow AgroSciences field scientist, told Rice Farming in a previous interview.
For an early post-emerge application, he says growers may want to tankmix the herbicide with a residual herbicide since Loyant activity is primarily foliar.
Dow AgroSciences researchers also have examined its compatibility with Clearfield varieties and Clearfield hybrids and found good tolerance to the new herbicide.
Currently, no herbicide, including Loyant, is labeled for tankmixing with Provisia herbicide for use with the Provisia Rice System.
Loyant’s active ingredient, Rinskor, belongs to the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee’s Group O, which includes several synthetic auxins. But the Dow herbicide binds differently than other Group O rice herbicides, such as 2,4-D and triclopyr, to auxin receptors in the plant, Perry says.
Rinskor Active is Dow AgroScience’s brand name for florpyrauxifen-benzyl, the active ingredient in Loyant.
As with all herbicides, Perry says stewardship will be key to prolonging Loyant’s utility for the rice industry.