Plan to attend this year’s Mid-South Farm & Gin Show

One Grower Gin Show Booth
The Mid-South Farm & Gin Show in Memphis is a good time to catch up with acquaintances. Look who stopped by One Grower Publishing, the folks behind Rice Farming magazine, last year. We invite you, too, to come by and say “hi” at booth #3005.

The Mid-South Farm and Gin Show, planned for March 2-3 at the Cook Convention Center in Memphis, Tennessee, features a host of educational seminars and workshops as well as the ever-popular trade show.

Carl Brothers, senior vice president and chief operating officer for Riceland Foods of Stuttgart, Arkansas, will speak on the rice and wheat outlook as part of an industry group at the Ag Update Meeting. It begins at 8:30 a.m., March 2, in the Lobby meeting room.

Doors to the trade show open at 9 a.m. each morning, with doors closing at 5 p.m., March 2, and 4:30 p.m., March 3.

Brock & Associates will conduct an in-depth grain marketing workshop, beginning at 1:30 p.m., March 2, in the lower level of the Cotton Mezzanine. Seating is limited, and the workshop requires registration by calling 800-558-3431.

Milo Hamilton, co-founder and senior agricultural economist at Firstgrain Inc. will conduct a special rice marketing seminar at 1:30 p.m., March 3, in the Sultana Room, Mezzanine Level.

During both days, Mid-South land grant universities, the Extension Service and state agencies will have special educational exhibits on the Mezzanine Level of the Convention Center.

For more information or to view the complete agenda, visit the Farm and Gin Show online at

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