Friday, January 24, 2025

Rice producer, wife nab Texas Farm Bureau YF&R award

The Gertsons
Timothy Gertson (right) and wife Lindy accept the Outstanding Young Farmer & Rancher Award at the Texas Farm Bureau’s annual meeting in Arlington.

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Timothy and Lindy Gertson, who grow rice, soybeans, wheat and sorghum in Lissie, Texas, were named the Texas Farm Bureau’s Outstanding Young Farmer & Rancher at the group’s annual meeting in Arlington, Texas.

Gertson, a fifth-generation rice producer, set out on his own to farm with his cousin, Daniel.

Timothy is preparing to plant his first organic corn crop to meet the rising demand for the product.

He has worked years to improve the land he leases, repairing irrigation wells and canals and using technology to conserve water.

Lindy is a registered nurse, and both are involved in several community organizations, including the local Habitat for Humanity and the USA Rice Federation.

Timothy also is president of the Wharton County Farm Bureau.

Other finalists included Galen Franz, who grows rice near Victoria, and Marcus and Amy Halfmann of Garden City.

The Gertsons will now represent Texas at the national American Farm Bureau competition in January in Orlando.

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