It’s hard to believe Rice Farming magazine will celebrate its Golden Anniversary this year.
Many changes and challenges have affected the U.S. rice industry over the past 50 years. Farms are larger, prices are volatile, machinery is highly mechanized and resistance to herbicides is top of mind.
Water supply and usage are hotly debated and GMO issues test the global market. Farmers and consultants refer to information online or via mobile apps, and new production practices lead to more efficient farming.
Despite the changes and challenges, rice farmers persevere to overcome and address these issues. You are a resilient group!
In the course of battling hurricanes, governmental mandates and Mother Nature in general, you produce top-quality rice for both domestic use and the global marketplace.
In addition, you are exceptional stewards of the land. I live in California and have witnessed the impressive migration of waterfowl. I’m also from Mississippi and have enjoyed a few memorable outings in the duck blind.
In my opinion, American rice farmers are some of the most progressive farmers in the world. You leave a legacy for generations.
Rice Farming magazine continues to evolve as well. In the past few years, we launched a rice e-newsletter that Vicky produces every month to keep you abreast of the latest industry information. Our website,, is available should you need a quick reference to an issue or just want to take a look at a past article or Web-exclusive material.
Rice Farming recognizes outstanding industry leaders with the Rice Awards, which we co-sponsor with Horizon Ag and USA Rice.
New for 2017 will be the Rice Consultant of the Year award, which we co-sponsor with Dow AgroSciences. This award will honor a rice consultant who has provided dedication, leadership and innovation to his or her farmer clientele to ensure they produce a high-yielding, quality crop.
In the next 50 years, global demand for food is expected to double, according to the Global Environmental Governance Project. We hope this will be an opportunity for our farmers since rice is a primary staple for more than half the world’s population.
While there have been many changes over the past 50 years, there is at least one constant. Rice Farming will continue to provide you with profitable production strategies as we move through the next half-century.
Drop us a line anytime to say hello or bring an important issue to our attention. We would love to hear from you.
Lia Guthrie