A new Provisia rice variety recently approved by the Louisiana State University AgCenter Rice Variety Release Committee should be available for farmers next year.
The variety, PVL02, is a long-grain variety with typical Southern U.S. long-grain cooking characteristics, says AgCenter rice breeder Adam Famoso, who developed the variety with Steve Linscombe, retired AgCenter rice breeder.
This is the second variety to be released for use with the Provisia system.
”It has very good yield potential, very low chalk and excellent milling,” Famoso says.
PVL02 has consistently demonstrated improved yield over the first Provisia variety, PVL01.
“Over four years of multi-location yield data, PVL02 has shown a 10% yield increase on average over PVL01 in both the main and ratoon crops,” he said. “PVL02 is also about one week earlier maturing than PVL01.”
The new variety is in seed production this year with a commercial release scheduled for 2020.
The LSU AgCenter contributed this article.