Horizon Ag, BASF once again offer 0% financing on their products

new horizon ag logoTo support their farmer-customers, Horizon Ag has partnered with BASF and John Deere Financial to offer fixed 0% APR financing on Horizon Ag seed and BASF crop protection products for the upcoming crop year.

Eligible products include:

Select Clearfield varieties such as CL111, CL151, CL153, CL163, CLL15, CLM04 and CLJ01, followed by Clearpath herbicide or Newpath herbicide.

Select Provisia varieties (PVL01 and PVL02) followed by Provisia herbicide.

BASF crop protection products applied to rice acres – Beyond herbicide, Facet L herbicide, Sharpen herbicide or Prowl H2O herbicide.

Products may be purchased at different times from one or multiple Horizon Ag and BASF authorized retailers.

Since the offer falls under the larger farmer financing program, any three BASF products with a minimum total purchase of $15,000 — and not just rice products — will qualify. For example, you can buy Provisia variety PVL01, Provisia herbicide and Liberty herbicide for soybeans and still receive 0% financing.

You’ll need a multi-use account with a special terms credit limit from John Deere Financial to take advantage of this offer. Call 800-356-9033 to request a credit limit increase on your multi-use Account.

If you don’t have an account, John Deere Financial gives you easy ways to apply online at JohnDeereFinancial or call 800-356-9033 to have an application mailed to you.

Contact your Horizon Ag authorized retailer or BASF authorized retailer to take advantage of these special offers.

The program period runs from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30, 2020.

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