Horizon Ag and BASF have partnered to offer rice farmers zero percent APR financing through Rabo AgriFinance for Clearfield and Provisia varieties and certain BASF crop protection purchases for the 2019 season.
The Rabo AgriFinance program is in addition to a previously announced zero percent APR program on Horizon Ag varieties and BASF crop protection products through the multi-use account of John Deere Financial. The Deere program allows farmers to take advantage of free interest until December to better manage their operations for cash flow and profitability.
The key difference is the Rabo AgriFinance program is specific to BASF and Horizon Ag rice products while the credit through John Deere Financial is included in a farmer’s overall line of credit with John Deere, according to a news release.
“As we head into 2019, Southern farmers continue to experience a long trend of decreased farm profitability, year over year,” Horizon Ag General Manager Tim Walker said in the release. “With cash flow getting tighter and interest rates on the rise, it is more important than ever that industry leaders like Horizon Ag partner with farmers to help them address financial challenges and get the crop planted.”
The latest offer is for Clearfield and Provisia rice varieties, along with rice crop protection products from BASF. The program is offered through Rabo AgriFinance for purchases from Oct. 1, 2018, through Sept. 30.
Eligible rice varieties include all Horizon Ag Clearfield varieties – CL111, CL151, CL153, CL163, CL172, CL272, and CLJ01 — followed by Clearpath herbicide or Newpath herbicide. Also included is the Provisia variety, PVL01, followed by Provisia herbicide.
Customers also can finance other BASF crop protection products applied to their rice acres — Beyond, Facet L, Sharpen or Prowl H2O herbicides.