The 2019 Horizon Ag Louisiana Field Day, featuring Provisia Rice System variety PVL01; top-performing Clearfield rice varieties like CL153; CLJ01, an aromatic jasmine-type; and promising experimental lines will be held June 25 at Richard Farms near Kaplan, Louisiana.
Horizon Ag partnered with BASF and the Louisiana State University AgCenter to bring the Provisia Rice System to market last season, and PVL01 acreage is expected to double this year as farmers expand their use of the technology to control weedy rice and grass-infested fields.
Attendees will also hear about new Clearfield and Provisia varieties in development, including PVL02, a promising Provisia variety from LSU that has shown a consistent 10 percent yield advantage over PVL01 in statewide tests over multiple years, according to a news release. PVL02 will be available for commercial planting in 2020.
“This is a great chance for farmers to see how Horizon Ag Clearfield and Provisia varieties give them the highest-quality, value-driven rice seed with performance-driven results, to maximize profitability now and for seasons to come,” Dr. Tim Walker, Horizon Ag general manager, said in the release.
Registration begins at 4:30 p.m., and the field tour starts at 5 p.m. The event will include guest speakers, and dinner will follow.
For more information about the 2019 Horizon Ag Louisiana Field Day or to RSVP for the event, please call Horizon Ag at 866-237-6167 or email Richard Farms is located at 5632 Louisiana Highway 700, Kaplan, Louisiana.