LACA annual February ag tech conference features improved format

louisiana ag consultants associatoinThe Louisiana Agricultural Technology & Management Conference sponsored by the Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Association will be held Feb. 11-13, 2019, at Paragon Casino Resort in Marksville, Louisiana.

Jay Mahaffey will be featured in the pre-conference symposium on Monday morning, Feb. 11, talking about good agronomics and decision making in grain crops and cotton. Attendance in this symposium will be limited, and pre-registration is required.

In addition to the general sessions where presentations will include factors influencing soil fertility to the latest in precision ag, there will be specific crop breakout sessions on cotton, rice, and sugarcane.

More than 30 sustaining members will be exhibiting, and most of these will be participating in emerging technology presentations at the conference. The conference format has changed, so don’t miss the chance to see what LACA has done to make this meeting better.

Technical presentations during meals (breakfasts and luncheons) will be given by our sponsoring sustaining members. A mixer will be held after sessions on Feb. 11 to allow networking among peers.

Networking is one of the most important aspects of this annual conference. In addition to visiting with fellow consultants and others in our industry, a silent auction will be held with proceeds going to scholarship funding (tentative at the time of this news release).

This conference provides recertification of consultant and commercial applicator licenses. CCA CEUs are also available.

The preliminary program will be emailed to LACA members and past attendees on or about Dec. 20, and will also be posted on the LACA website at no later than Dec. 31.

Contact Denise Wright, executive director, at or 337-945-3694 for more information.

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