With the first commercial fields of Provisia Rice planted this season, the University of Arkansas has added a new color to the Flag the Technology line-up to identify rice tolerant to Provisia Herbicide.
Flag the Technology is a quick and inexpensive method to prevent misapplication of pesticides and warn of technology that is sensitive to potential off-target drift.
The idea behind the system idea is simple. Colored bicycle-type or marker flags that represent a specific herbicide technology are placed at the field entrance or in conspicuous locations in the field visible from ground and air.
The color of the flag represents the technology. Multiple flags may be used if needed to ensure visibility.
Red signifies a conventional variety with no herbicide trait. It also signals EXTREME CAUTION!
Bright orange flags will not be used to represent a technology but rather be reserved as a color for marking other areas of concern such as risers and construction.
Download the University of Arkansas Flag the Technology informational sheet, which contains the full line-up of flag colors and their matching herbicide trait, by clicking here.