• By Mark Isbell •

Field to Market, the Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, recently recognized a dozen producers — including three who farm rice — for their continuous operational improvements and using the group’s Field Print Calculator.
Field to Market will highlight a Farmer Spotlight each month with a press release to bring attention to individual winner’s sustainability efforts.
The three 2018 Spotlight rice farmers were: Michael Bosworth of Olivehurst, California; Matthew Feilke, of Stuttgart, Arkansas; and Mike and Ryan Sullivan, of Burdette, Arkansas.
“When you consider the relative size of rice production to other crops, the fact that three rice growers were honored with this award is a testament to the stewardship of our industry,” says Josh Hankins, USA Rice director of grower relations for the Rice Stewardship Partnership, who attended the meeting.
Following the meeting, the California Rice Commission, Delta Plastics, Riceland Foods, RiceTec Inc. and Horizon Ag hosted a dinner to honor the three award-winning rice farmers.
This article first appeared in USA Rice’s “The Rice Daily.”