Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Horizon Ag Varieties Offer Advantages for 2020 Season

As the 2020 rice planting season approaches, farmers will again be faced with the opportunity to select the best seed adapted for their region and growing conditions, with the potential to return the greatest profit.

Factors like seed emergence, weed control, disease resistance, yield potential and quality all are critical.

Horizon Ag rice varieties, fortunately, check all those boxes.

“It doesn’t matter if a farmer is comparing our varieties with conventional seed, which may be cheaper but doesn’t offer the weed control value or effectiveness of a Clearfield® or Provisia® rice variety, or with hybrids that are much more expensive and may not be proven when it comes to generic technology and ROI, Horizon Ag varieties come out on top,” said Dr. Tim Walker, Horizon Ag general manager. “For example, when it comes to controlling to imidazolinone herbicide-tolerant rice that’s costing many farmers significant revenue each season, there is no good choice besides the Provisia Rice System with Horizon Ag varieties PVL01 and PVL02.”

Wes McNulty, who farms near Pine Bluff, Arkansas, has experienced the strong performance of the Provisia Rice System and is a believer in its ability to result in clean fields.

“I’m very pleased with the Provisia system,” said McNulty. “It provided great early-season vigor and excellent control of weedy rice and barnyard grass. Our Provisia rice averaged 179 dry bushels in 2018 and 176 in 2019. I’m definitely going to expand our Provisia acres in the future.”

Or, if a farmer is looking for an Arkansas-bred variety with Clearfield technology and outstanding yield and quality potential, new CLL15, a long grain type, and new CLM04, a medium grain rice, are available for commercial planting in 2020. Both offer best-in-class yields and quality potential, as well as other attractive agronomic advantages.

Jackson County, Arkansas, rice farmer Sam Cunningham saw first-hand the potential of CLL15 in 2019.

“Seed emergence and vigor were excellent,” said Cunningham. “We saw consistent growth through all stages and very efficient nitrogen uptake, superb standability and excellent tillering. CLL15 has excellent grain fill and quality, and we had a high yield with a 12-bushel advantage over CL151. The rice cupped and milled really well. The CLL15 yield advantage and its resistance to lodging will make this a staple variety on my farm. It offers everything a hybrid can’t produce.”

There’s also something to be said for varieties that have won their place on farms in the South over the years, and that will continue to offer farmers proven performance, year in, year out, said Dr. Walker.

“For instance, CL111 is a workhorse variety that continues to be planted year after year because of its proven high yields, excellent ratoon crop potential, broad-spectrum blast resistance and preferred milling quality. And CL153 has been planted on more acres in Louisiana the past two seasons than any other rice seed because of its performance, quality and disease package.”

This combination of new, high-performing rice varieties and consistent, proven performers continues Horizon Ag’s 20-year legacy of offering varieties that enable farmers to meet the challenges they face while producing a product that returns more to their bottom line.

The Complete Horizon Ag Lineup for 2020

The first Provisia-tolerant rice variety, providing outstanding seedling vigor, exceptional tillering, superior grain and cooking quality and good yield potential.

Newly released Provisia variety with improved yield and milling quality, exceptional tillering and superior cooking quality.

provisia, horizon ag, clearfieldCL111
Proven excellent vigor with high yield potential and outstanding grain quality and milling. Known for its exceptional ratoon crop performance, combined with being Kellogg’s preferred long grain.

Provides exceptional yield potential while using nitrogen efficiently. Because of its blast susceptibility, it is not recommended for fields with a history of blast and water issues.

Top-planted Clearfield rice variety in recent years due to its exceptional seedling vigor and yield potential, and outstanding grain quality and milling. Resistant to blast and lodging.

Offers excellent yield potential and seedling vigor along with outstanding grain quality and milling. This variety has exceptional cooking quality, with extra-high amylose content.

New Arkansas-bred variety with exceptional yield potential, broad-spectrum blast resistance and excellent milling quality.

New Arkansas-bred medium grain rice with yield potential similar to Jupiter, very good grain quality, and improved blast resistance compared to Jupiter.

The first Clearfield Jasmine-type variety. Characteristics include very good aroma, premium grain appearance and milling, excellent yield potential and a very good disease package.

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